“Reading this book is an eye-opening experience, even—or especially—when one thinks one is already informed about the subject Montgomery is discussing. His work is a major contribution…Offering a new narrative of how science travels, this may be one of the most provocative books since Kuhn on the history and philosophy of science… –Maria Tymozcko, Isis (History of Science Society)
“[A] book of great richness, as much for its examples as for its ideas, which keenly illustrate the development of knowledge across languages and epochs. It is a book to read and reread. Its subject is important; it is ours, it is our history.” -André Clas, Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
This pioneering work explores the diverse roles that translation has played in the development of science. This means science in a wide variety of cultures, from antiquity to the present—from the Roman translations of Greek knowledge to the
Arabic importation of Greek, Syriac, and Hindu sources, and then the rendering of this rich library of knowledge and practice into medieval Europe, where it proved crucial to the Renaissance. The author goes further, however, to the origin and evolution of modern science in Japan and other topics that pose major epistemological questions for the history of science and of knowledge as a whole.AmazonAmazon UKBarnes & NobleIndieboundPowell’s